Thursday, May 2, 2013

8/30: 5 Passions

1. The Temple-
To know that I can live with my family forrrreeevvvveeerrrr (Sandlot anyone?! no? just me? okay!). They really mean so much to me so it brings me comfort that I will never be separated from them ever! And I mean ever. Muahahahaha! But for real, the Spirit at the temple that can be felt is so amazing! It's been FAR too long since I've been and it kills me but I will be going down soon, hopefully! Works gotta get done somehow! Peeps are awaitin!
2. My Testimony/The Gospel-
I seem to get tested the most at work about my religion and what I believe. It's tough living in the bible belt with so many churches and so many people who bash everything that our church is about. There are very few things that get me really angry and it's when someone TELLS me what I believe. Or tells me that it's not true. Now I've had really great discussions with friends at work about the church but this one person for some reason likes to TELL me what I believe. It gets me revved up when I feel like my testimony is put into question.
Moroni 1:3:
 And I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ; wherefore, I wander whithersoever I can for the safety of mine own life.
3. Music-
In high school I was in chorus all 4 years, I taught myself how to play the piano and I listen to some form of music EVERY day! I have a CD of my Senior year at the whatchacallit where you're judged on how well you sing as a group. I will say that I am not a GREAT singer but I am a good singer, I think. At least in my head I am!!! It's music that helps sooth me when I'm having a rough day! Haha I have about 15 playlists for any given day depending on how my mood is! I just can't say enough about music!
4. My Family-
Each member of my family means so much to me for different reasons. Growing up, if you couldn't tell, I was slightly a drama queen and I thought everyone was out to get me! Haha! Now that I'm older and slightly more mature (just a tad, right?) I don't know what I would do if I lost a single member of my amazing family. 3/10's of my family is farrrr away and I hate that I don't talk to them as much as I should. To sum up this one, my family gone=sad Alyse! So basically you all can't go anywhere until I've "slipped the surly bonds of earth"!  
5. My Friends-
I have the greatest friends! I really feel like I have just a handful of friends but they're all really close to me. I like to think that the quantity of friends is not as important as the quality of friends!!! Like my family, I don't know what I would do if I lost any of those precious friends! I almost lost my best friend from High School in 9th grade and as soon as my mom told me when I got home from school that day, I was a wreck. It was possibly THE worst day of my life. We had really just become best friends like a year before so I didn't know what I would do without her, and still don't if something were to happen to her! I try not to take any of my friends for granted and if I do--I'm REALLY sorry! I promise I try not to!
Up next: 10 people who've influenced me and why-this should be fun!
At least tomorrow is Friday!
See ya!

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