5 Strengths
1. Quick Learner-
I'm the type of person that if you show me something once I'm likely to remember it--forever! At work I only had 2 weeks to learn EVERYTHING and surprisingly enough I remembered it all! I may have to be reminded once how to do something but usually I remember right away how to do it!
2. Friends-
My mom always told me that I have the knack to make friends really fast. When I was little and we lived in California my mom would take us to the Park with my cousins and she said I would come out with 10 new friends. I'm still this way where I become friends with people really quick but sometimes I get too shy to talk to people!
3. Music-
This has been touched on like a million times...but when I turn my car on to go somewhere and a song is on, usually no matter where in the song it is I can sing along. I might not be able to tell the name of the song or who sings it but I sure do know the lyrics! I also do this with movies (Twilight, Mean Girls and Monster House are the ones I can quote line for line)!
I would say that I have so many talents! I try not to hide them under a bushel but I taught myself how to play the piano...I wish I had kept this up a little more but I can sit down to a piano and play it! I also love to make crafts! I will have to make a little craft for my sweetie pie nephew Robby! I would really love to learn how to paint really well, and actually I got a paint set (like a Bob Ross legit paint set) for Christmas and I have yet to use it! I'm so scared to start!
5. Character-
I always like to give everyone the benefit (side note every time I hear or say this word I always think of Madea when she says "imma give you the bentifit of the doubt) of the doubt. I try to always see the good in people before I judge them to be either a sincere person or a weasel! I think my sense of judgement and character are pretty good!
Up next: If you were an animal what would it be and why!
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