So since I've had like a month to think about this...that's why I haven't blogged in a while...yeaaa that's what we'll go with!
So after thinking about it, if reincarnation was a real thing...I would want to be a....
Not only are they super duper fast
But they are also just gorgeous, just look at that fir.
Plus I don't think anything but maybe a lion can run me down! I feel like cheetahs aren't afraid of anything at all! They are ferocious, wild, fast, beautiful, agile, kind of on the top of the food chain, they don't have to watch what they eat! So if I ever come back, this is what I would like to come back as, because you know being a human would be boring compared to being a cheetah always on the go! Plus the babies are really cute too!
I mean really?! SOO cute!!! She looks so soft and cuddly!
Up next: 5 Greatest Accomplishments
Hahahahahahaha this made me laugh... highest on the food chain! Hahahahahaha