Monday, May 6, 2013

11/30: Pet Peeves

Just a note before I begin...a majority of these are DRIVING pet peeves! You would never know I get road rage would you?!

1. When I'm having a conversation with someone and someone else walks up and hijacks the conversation like I hadn't been talking to that person at all. ARGGG nothing bugs me more!
2. When parents let their kids play in the street with no supervision. 
3. Kim Kardashian, Rhianna, Lindsey Lohan, Kristin Stewart, Angleina Jolie....
4. When there are 3 lanes and the far right lane merges and people speed in that lane to get to the very front and cut in front of someone else.
5. When I'm driving home and am in the lane I need to be in and someone 3 lanes over suddenly realizes they need to hurry up and get in the turn lane and they risk their life and the lives of all the people they cut off.
6.When I'm driving to work and some girl is swerving from lane to lane because she's putting on her makeup. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and do it at home!!!!
7.When people talk non stop during a movie. Why pay money to see a movie when you're not even paying attention to it?!
8. When someone doesn't use a blinker (even more when they use their blinker to cut you off) to turn all the sudden, or when they keep their blinker on for 15 minutes and don't turn!!!
9. When someone tells me what I believe and doesn't let me explain to them what I actually believe!
10. When I'm looking at something at the store and someone asks me if I need help...if I needed help, I will make it known!

Up next: My Day

1 comment:

  1. Ugh I HATE when people bug you in the store too. It's like...When I need help I'll ask you for help!


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